How Can a Real Estate Agent Benefit From a Virtual Assistant?

Real estate is a lucrative business to be in, but only if you do the job right. Real estate professionals almost always have their hands full. In order to continue chasing and closing new deals in today’s fast-paced real estate market, realtors have to stay on top of their game.

But what happens when your real estate business becomes so successful that you can’t keep up with all the deals you need to close? You may find yourself spending way too much time locating properties, researching properties, and responding to emails, phone calls, and text messages, and not enough time sealing the deal for your clients.

If you’ve found yourself in the weeds and want help without having to pass any of your deals on to another agent, a real estate virtual assistant is an affordable and practical solution for you.

What is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

A real estate virtual assistant (VA) is a contracted remote worker who can act as your right-hand man or woman.

VAs have years of experience in administrative work, so they can handle a variety of daily tasks such as coordinating communications, appointment setting, calendar organizing, finance management, marketing, research and data compilation, and more.

A real estate virtual assistant has all of these skills, but they are also experienced in the industry of real estate, so there is little to no training required on your part. Real estate VAs are typically responsible for scheduling appointments, gathering market research, preparing presentations, responding to emails and phone calls, and prospecting new clients.

Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants wear many hats, and as long as you clearly outline your expectations and the tasks that you need help with, a VA can help you scale your real estate business. The benefits of hiring a real estate virtual assistant include:

Streamline Day to Day Operations

Some people are great at talking to clients and closing deals, but when it comes to organization and time management, their efforts fall short. It’s not your fault–your main focus is your clients, and closing deals is what keeps the cash coming in. However, you can’t keep clients and continue closing deals if your daily business operations are out of whack.

A real estate virtual assistant can assess your day-to-day operations, identify key bottlenecks, and come up with a practical plan to make everything run smoother. By streamlining your business operations, you can get more done quickly and watch new deals continue flowing in.

Handle Communications for You

You’re with a client and you’re about to close a huge deal–then your phone rings. It’s a prospective client who wants to schedule their first house tour. Do you answer the phone and pause what you are doing for the sake of future revenue? Or do you ignore the call and continue with the clients right in front of you?

What if you could do both?

Real estate agents deal with a lot of communication. You likely feel overwhelmed with the number of communications you have to handle each and every day, but a real estate virtual assistant can handle communications for you.

Your VA can take phone calls and respond to emails when you’re busy. They can schedule your new client’s appointment for you so you don’t have to take time away from the clients in front of you. All of your clients will be happy, and you’ll be able to make more money.

Save You Time and Money

VAs get tasks done in a timely manner because they understand real estate, are tech-savvy, and have already mastered basic administrative skills. They are also independent contractors, so you don’t have to pay for employee benefits like health insurance or PTO. This means a real estate virtual assistant can save you time and money when compared to hiring a full-time employee.

Find More Prospective Clients

Real estate agents must constantly find new clients. And, in today’s high-interest real-estate market, finding new buyers can be a real challenge! Plus, who wants to focus on new buyers when you still have several deals you’re trying to close on?

While you focus on the deals you already have, your real estate VA can focus on finding more prospective clients. A VA can work to improve your digital footprint so more people find you online, manage your social media to expand your reach, and make phone calls to people who may be looking for a new home.

Keep Up With Market Trends

As a real estate agent, it is essential that you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and market research. You need to know how the market is behaving now and how it is expected to behave in the future.

The problem is that research takes time–valuable time that you may not have. But when you hire a real estate virtual assistant, they can do the market research for you. Your VA can put together weekly or monthly market reports so you can stay ahead of the competition.

Hire an Experienced Virtual Assistant Today

Call Brokers is a fully-managed U.S.-based company that connects real estate agents like you with qualified virtual assistants. Our highly-trained VAs can help you exceed in your real estate career. If you’re ready to grow your real estate business, a VA is right for you. Call today to get matched with a skilled virtual assistant.