8 Benefits of Hiring a Healthcare Virtual Assistant

8 Reasons to Hire a Healthcare Virtual Assistant

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving and changing, and as a healthcare professional, you’re likely finding yourself busier and more stressed than ever before. Between all of the phone calls you get and tedious administrative tasks you have to complete, you likely spend too much time at your computer or behind your desk that you would rather be spending with your patients.

One of the best ways to reduce the strain of administrative work is to hire a healthcare virtual assistant. A virtual assistant (VA) is someone who works remotely, handling a variety of day-to-day tasks ranging from administrative work and scheduling appointments to social media campaigns or medical billing. A healthcare virtual assistant will have the same skills a regular virtual assistant has, but they will also have extensive experience working with businesses in the healthcare industry.

Here are eight benefits of hiring a healthcare virtual assistant to help you manage your practice.

1. Save Time

Time is your most valuable asset. Instead of spending time at your desk answering phone calls, making appointments, and filling out paperwork, you can hire a healthcare virtual assistant to help you out. A VA can handle any administrative tasks that you assign, saving you loads of time each day.

2. Spend More Time With Patients

When you spend less time at your desk, you can spend more time with patients. You can say goodbye to spending just a few minutes in the exam room and begin dedicating a little bit more time to each patient that you see. You may even be able to see more patients each day, helping to expand your practice and increase your revenue.

3. Provide a Better Patient Experience

As a healthcare provider, your most important job is to provide an exceptional patient experience. The more loyal, established patients you have, the more your practice can thrive. A healthcare virtual assistant saves you time and eliminates stress, allowing you to build meaningful connections with each of your patients.

When you can spend more time with patients, you become more attuned to their needs and less rushed during appointments. Your patients will feel more connected to you rather than feeling overlooked or like “just another patient.” This will encourage your patients to continue supporting your practice in the future. And, when your patients are entirely pleased with their experience, they will even refer their friends.

4. Reduce Staffing Costs

A virtual assistant is a contracted employee, so you aren’t responsible for paying for benefits. This means you can get the same administrative work done as you would with a full-time employee, but without the extra staffing costs, leaving you with more money to modernize and scale your healthcare practice.

5. Stop Dealing With Insurance Companies

One of the most tedious, time-consuming things healthcare professionals must deal with is insurance companies. All medical practices spend several hours each day submitting insurance information and negotiating with insurers–but most of these tasks can be completed remotely by a healthcare virtual assistant. Your VA can also verify new patient insurance plans for you to make sure their medical claims are processed without problems.

6. Increase Your Digital Footprint

Keeping long-term patients is important, but your practice can’t grow if you aren’t bringing in new patients, too. Marketing and lead generation are what keep your practice in business, but keeping up with digital marketing tasks like social media posts and replying to inquiries that come through on your website can be challenging.

If you don’t have time to manage your digital footprint, a healthcare virtual assistant can do that for you. A VA can carry out simple marketing tasks that will make more people aware of your practice.

7. Respond to Emails Faster

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with emails that you just don’t have time to respond to? Many medical professionals do–and that’s one more reason to hire a healthcare virtual assistant. Your experienced VA can answer emails throughout the day as they come in so your emails don’t pile up, saving you a major headache. Your patients will enjoy a faster response time, too.

8. Watch Your Medical Practice Grow

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, medical offices have faced immense challenges and changes. Physicians must continue adjusting their practice and seek out innovative solutions to keep the business running and growing. However, you can’t grow your practice when you are consumed with simply maintaining it. Instead, let a healthcare virtual assistant do the mundane tasks, improve patient experience, and connect with more potential patients so your practice achieves sustainable growth.

At Assistants Now, we provide healthcare professionals with the highest-quality virtual assistants. Our assistants are experienced in the healthcare industry, experts at administrative work, and more than qualified to help your practice grow.

Hire a Healthcare Virtual Assistant Today

If you are looking for affordable, practical ways to improve your healthcare practice, a virtual assistant may be exactly what you need. A healthcare VA can streamline your business operations, save you time, and allow you to improve your patient experience.

Assistants Now has a vast selection of skilled healthcare assistants who are eager to help you grow your medical practice. Contact us today to get matched with the right virtual assistant for you.