5 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Help You and Your Business Grow

How Can a Virtual Assistant Help My Business Grow?

A virtual assistant (VA) is an independent contractor who can complete tedious daily tasks while working remotely. Virtual assistants have already mastered basic administrative and management skills, and they have experience working with businesses in a range of industries. VAs are a practical, cost-effective solution to handling necessary tasks, but how exactly can you and your business benefit from hiring one?

Here are 5 ways a virtual assistant will help you and your business grow.

1. Streamline Your Business Operations and Manage Schedules

As a business owner, you understand your business inside and out. However, it can be easy to fall out of touch with the day-to-day business operations and the steps your employees take to complete their tasks. The processes that you think will boost productivity and efficiency may not work for the boots on the ground.

Two of the most important qualities of a virtual assistant are detail oriented and organized. This means that when you put your daily business operations in the hands of a trusted VA, they can look at the details of your operations, assess how well processes are working, and streamline your business’s daily tasks so everyone works better, and faster.

When you and your employees aren’t wasting time on the little things, you will accomplish more big things, and your business will continue to grow and earn more revenue.

2. Handle Communications Effectively

In the age of modern technology, all businesses have to deal with communications coming in from several fronts–emails, phone calls, social media inquiries, and website form fills. You also may have to deal with a lot of repetitive questions, robocalls, or spam.

A VA can filter your communications so you can handle important communications in a quick and effective manner. They can answer simple questions and direct more complex questions to the correct person. VAs can also act as customer support agents that can resolve issues between the company and the clients with ease.

In 2019, the average American worker spent almost 3.5 hours each day checking and responding to emails. That’s 17.5 hours of email correspondence each week that could be managed by a VA.

By hiring a virtual assistant, you can save yourself time and stress by allowing them to handle mundane communications for you so you can focus on more pressing tasks at hand.

3. Virtual Assistants Oversee the Details While You See the Big Picture

One reason CEOs and business owners are so successful is that they dream big and put their plans into action. You may be able to see the big picture for your business, but you may not be able to keep up with the little details needed to accomplish that bigger picture.

If you ignore the details, things can fall apart. As the famous saying goes, “the devil is in the details.” Although achieving your business goals may seem simple, details are complicated and can cause problems.

Virtual assistants bring all of their time-tested skills to the table, so they can manage the details for you while you focus on your goal. Working together, you will watch your business expand and grow.

4. Increase Your Brand Awareness by Organizing a Social Media Campaign

In 2022, one of the best ways to reach potential customers is to go gain a large social media presence. 97% of Fortune 500 companies rely on social media, and still nearly a quarter of small businesses don’t have an active social media presence.

Whether your business doesn’t have social media because you’re too busy to keep up with the latest digital trends or you simply don’t have time to organize a social media campaign, a virtual assistant can help.

A VA can create text, image, and video content for social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to increase brand awareness. Social media is a cost-effective way to gain a wider reach as well as target specific demographics that are interested in the service or product you offer.

5. Cold Calling and Lead Generation

Cold-calling is a tedious task that isn’t for the faint of heart. Although time-consuming and repetitive, cold-calling can be a great way to generate more leads for your business.

A virtual assistant with superior communication skills can handle cold-calling for you.

Allow an Experienced Virtual Assistant to Help You Grow Your Business

Call Brokers offers superior service for companies needing help on the phone, organizing data, making sales calls, etc. We save you time and money while helping you scale your business. When you call us, we match you up with one of our Professional Virtual Assistants for all your business needs.

Call Brokers will help you find the right virtual assistant who will set in place a solid system to make your business grow. Contact us today to get started.